Summer 2021
With a very wet start to May and then lots of sunshine, our crops have just sprung up! Blossoms have been and gone in our orchards, leaving lots of happy bees and bugs. Now we wait for our trees to start growing their apples.
Our potato varieties have come up a treat with the plant canopies starting to carpet our fields. Over the next few months, we’ll be keeping an eye on all our crops to make sure they get enough water and aren’t being attacked by any pests.
Castle Primary Visit
Recently, Castle Primary School did a history project on some of the older families in Stoke Sub Hamdon. Castle Farm has been home to 6 generations of the Hebditch family and we can even trace our village roots back to the 1800s! Their students were very excited to learn more about our family and see our farm.

On a lovely sunny day, Karen Hebditch welcomed Year 1 and 2 to the farm. She gave them a tour and answered all their questions about the history of the Hebditch family.
“Thank you so much Karen for showing us around Castle Farm this afternoon. Year 1 and Year 2 are learning to be Historians and we are very interested in families who have lived in Stoke sub Hamdon for centuries.
The Hebditch family have been farming the land for many years. Karen was able to answer all of our questions as well as telling us her tales of prize-winning sheep and cows who once walked down the A303 to get to the fields!
We were also really interested in the gargoyles that were on the farm wall and wondered whether there really was a castle on this site many years ago? It’s amazing what may lie beneath our feet!”
Castle Primary School
Glad you all had a great day with Karen at Castle Farm. Hope to see you again next year, Castle Primary School!

Bringing in the Silage
Summer sunshine means it’s the perfect time to cut and dry our grass for silage.
To keep our grass dry, we cut the grass and then leave it spread in the fields during good weather. This is then easily picked up by our tractors and taken back to the farmyard where it is piled high, flattened and compressed. It is then covered and left until October when it will be used as feed for our cattle over winter.
Check out our videos and pictures of the tractors in action!
More mini Dave’s every day!

We couldn’t resist posting another picture of Dave’s adorable offspring.
Our Aberdeen Angus bull has been busy! He’s sired 7 calves the last month and there’s still another 8 due any time soon.
Mum certainly doesn’t look too happy about it.